
In the earlier sections, we learned that reactors delimit concurrent executions, and that event streams allow routing events within each reactor. This is already a powerful set of abstractions, and we can use reactors and event streams to write all kinds of distributed programs. However, such a model is restricted to reactor computations only – we cannot, for example, start blocking I/O operations, read from a temperature sensor, wait until a GPU computation completes, or react to temporal events. In some cases, we need to interact with the native capabilities of the OS, or tap into a rich ecosystem of existing libraries. For this purpose, every reactor system has a set of services – protocols that relate event streams to the outside world.

In this section, we will take a closer look at various services that are available by default, and also show how to implement custom services and plug them into reactor systems.

The logging service

We will start with the simplest possible service called Log. This service is used to print logging messages to the standard output. In the following, we create an anonymous reactor that uses the Log service. We start by importing the Log service.


Next, we create a reactor system, and start a reactor instance. The reactor invokes the service method on the reactor system, which returns the service with the specified type. The reactor then calls the apply method on the log to print a message, and seals itself.

system.spawn(Reactor[String] { self =>
  val log = system.service[Log]
  log("Test reactor started!")
Proto<String> proto = Reactor.apply(self -> {
  Log log = system.service(Log.class);"Test reactor started!");

Running the above snippet prints the timestamped message to the standard output.

This example is very simple, but we use it to describe some important properties of services.

  • Reactor system’s method service[S] returns a service of type S.
  • The service obtained this way is a lazily initialized singleton instance – there exists at most one instance of the service per reactor system, and it is created only after being requested by some reactor.
  • Some standard services are eagerly initialized when the reactor system gets created. Such services are usually available as a standalone method on the ReactorSystem class. For example, system.log is an alternative way to obtain the Log service.

The clock service

Having seen a trivial service example, let’s take a look at a more involved service that connects reactors with the outside world of events, namely, the Clock service. The Clock service is capable of producing time-driven events, for example, timeouts, countdowns or periodic counting. This service is standard, so it is available by calling either system.clock or system.service[Clock] - both return the same instance.

In the following, we create an anonymous reactor that uses the Clock service to create a timeout event after 1 second. The timeout method of the clock service returns an event stream of the Unit type (more specifically, it returns an IVar event stream, i.e. a single-assignment variable, which always produces at most one event). We install a callback to the timeout event stream, which seals the main channel of this reactor.

import scala.concurrent.duration._

val done = Promise[Boolean]()
system.spawn(Reactor[String] { self =>
  system.clock.timeout(1.second) on {
Proto<String> proto = Reactor.apply(self -> {
  system.clock().timeout(1000).onEvent(v -> {

The Clock service uses a separate timer thread under-the-hood, which sends events to the reactor when the timer thread decides it is time to do so. The events are sent on a special channel created by the timeout method, so they are seen only on the corresponding event stream combinator. Graphically, this looks as follows:

                   |                           |
                   |                           | ---o-->            |
                   |                           |
                   o--> sysEvents              |
                   |                           |
  Channel[Unit] ---o--> system.clock.timeout   |
        ^          |                           |
        |          |                           |
 <Timer thread>    |                           |
                   |                           |

When the main channel gets sealed, the reactor terminates - the timeout event stream creates a daemon channel under-the-hood, which does not prevent our anonymous reactor from terminating after non-daemon channels are gone.

The Clock service depicts a general pattern - when a native entity or an external event needs to communicate with a reactor, it creates a new channel, and then asynchronously sends events to it.

The channels service

Some services provide event streams that work with reactor system internals. The Channels service is one such example - it provides an event-driven view over all channels that exist in the current reactor system. This allows polling the channels that are currently available, or waiting until a channel with a specific name becomes available. Awaiting a channel is particularly useful, as it allows easier handling of asynchrony between reactors, which is inherent to distributed systems.

As a side-note, we actually saw the Channels service earlier, when we used it to open a second channel in a reactor. The expression actually calls the open method on the standard channel service.

In the following, we will construct two reactors. The first reactor will create a specially named channel after some delay, and the second reactor will await that channel. When the channel appears, the second reactor will send an event to that channel.

val done = Promise[Boolean]()
val first = Reactor[String] { self =>
  system.clock.timeout(1.second) on {
    val c = system.channels.daemon.named("lucky").open[Int] on {

system.spawn(Reactor[String] { self =>
  system.channels.await[Int]("first", "lucky") onEvent { ch =>
    ch ! 7
Proto<String> proto = Reactor.apply(self -> {
  system.clock().timeout(1000).onEvent(v -> {
    Connector<Integer> c =
      system.channels().daemon().named("lucky").<Integer>open(); -> {

system.spawn(Reactor.apply(self -> {
  system.channels().<Integer>await("first", "lucky").onEvent(ch -> {

Above, we use the Clock service seen earlier to introduce a delay in the first reactor. In the second reactor, we use the Channels service to wait for the channel named "lucky" of the reactor named "first". Both reactors start approximately at the same time.

After one second, the first reactor uses the Channels service to open a new daemon channel named "lucky". The first reactor then installs a callback: when the first event arrives on the lucky channel, a promise object (used for our testing purposes) must be completed, and the main channel must be sealed, so that the reactor terminates.

The second reactor gets an event from the Channels service - a channel with the requested name exists, and the second reactor can use it to communicate. The second reactor sends 7 to the lucky channel, and terminates.

To reiterate, awaiting channels is crucial when establishing temporal order in an asynchronous system, and the Channels service is a useful tool for this purpose.

Custom services

Having seen a few existing services, we now show how to create a custom service. To do this, we must implement the Protocol.Service trait, which has the following members:

class CustomService(val system: ReactorSystem) extends Protocol.Service {
  def shutdown(): Unit = ???

Note that every service needs to have a constructor with a single ReactorSystem parameter. The shutdown method is called when the corresponding reactor system gets shut down, and is used to free any resources that the service potentially has.

As noted before, a service is a mechanism that gives access to events that a reactor normally cannot obtain from other reactors. Let’s implement a service that notifies a reactor when the enclosing reactor system gets shutdown. For this, we will need to keep a map of the channels that subscribed to the shutdown event.

class Shutdown(val system: ReactorSystem) extends Protocol.Service {
  private val subscribers = mutable.Set[Channel[Boolean]]()
  private val lock = new AnyRef

  def state: Signal[Boolean] = {
    val shut =[Boolean]
    lock.synchronized {
      subscribers +=
    } Subscription {
      def unsubscribe(): Unit = {
        lock.synchronized {
          subscribers -=

  def shutdown() {
    lock.synchronized {
      for (ch <- subscribers) ch ! true

The Shutdown service keeps the active shutdown notification channels in the subscribers map. When a reactor requests its state signal, the service creates a new connector shut for that reactor. The corresponding channel into the subscribers map. The correspnding event stream is converted to a signal that is initially false, and will remove its subscription if the reactor later decides to call unsubscribe. Finally, when the system gets shut down, all the existing subscribers receive a shutdown notification event.

We can now use the Shutdown service, for example, as follows:

val done = Promise[Boolean]()
val system = ReactorSystem.default("test-shutdown-system")
system.spawn(Reactor[Unit] { self =>
  system.service[Shutdown].state on {

Later, when we shut down the system, we expect that the code in the callback runs and completes the promise:


Note that, when implementing a custom service, we are no longer in the same ballpark as when writing normal reactor code. A service may be invoked by multiple reactors concurrently, and this is why we had to synchronize access to the subscribers map in the Shutdown implementation. In general, when implementing a custom service, we have to take care to:

  • Never block or acquire a lock in the service constructor.
  • Ensure that access to shared state of the service is properly synchronized.

In conclusion, you should use custom services whenever you have a native event-driven API that must deliver events to reactors in your program.