Reactors.IO fuses the best parts of functional reactive programming and the actor model

Reactors.IO is a framework for building distributed systems. It combines the strengths of functional reactive programming and classical actor systems to provide a next generation foundation for distributed computing.
Primarily targetting the JVM, the Reactors framework has bindings for both Java and Scala. More coming soon!
To learn more, see the quick tour of features below, take a look at the documentation section or check out our Getting Started Guide.
Event-driven architecture serves as the basis for distributed computing.
Events are encapsulated inside entities called event streams. After an event arrives, it gets forwarded to the observers of that event stream.
// Create an event stream.
val events = new Events.Emitter[Int]
// Compute sum of events.
var sum = 0
events.onEvent { x => sum += x }
// Count the events.
var count = 0
events.on { count += 1 }
// When done, compute the average.
var avg = 0
events.onDone { avg = sum / count }
// Emit a few events and close the event stream.
for (i <- List(1, 2, 6)) events.react(i)
First-class events streams and signals allow a better separation of concerns.
Components are expressed as event stream operations, which can be packaged into modules, and later reused or further composed.
// Define digital circuits.
def and(a: Signal[Boolean], b: Signal[Boolean]) =
(a zip b)(_ && _)
def xor(a: Signal[Boolean], b: Signal[Boolean]) =
(a zip b)(_ ^ _)
def halfAdder(a: Signal[Boolean], b: Signal[Boolean]) =
(xor(a, b), and(a, b))
def probe(name: String, r: Events[Boolean]) =
r.onEvent(v => println(s"$name: $v"))
// Simulate a half-adder.
val inputA = RCell(false)
val inputB = RCell(false)
val (sum, carry) = halfAdder(inputA, inputB)
probe("sum", sum)
probe("carry", carry)
inputA := true
inputB := true
Declarative programming style based on functional composition produces programs that are more concise, and easy to understand.
An event stream is treated similarly to a Scala collection or Java Stream - plethora of functional combinators unlock a rich set of behaviors.
// Stores a set of keys across distributed shards.
class DistributedHashTable[K](val channels: Set[Channel[K]]) {
val sharding = (k: K) => k.## % channels.size
// Group events into shards, batch them, and send to channels.
val insertions = new Events.Emitter[K]
.map {
case (k, events) => events.batch(4).map((k, _))
.onMatch {
case (k, batch) => channels(k) ! batch
// Send the key to the insertions stream.
def insert(k: K): Unit = insertions.react(k)
Concurrency is achieved by separating event propagations into entities called reactors. Reactors communicate through typed channels.
// The DNS server channel is a globally available server channel
// that responds to requests for a channel with the specified name.
val dns: Server[Name, Channel[String]]
// Reactor that sends a set of keys to a shard.
class DhtClient(val shard: String, val keys: Set[String])
extends Reactor[Unit] {
// Request the channel to the shard from the DNS server.
(dns ? shard) onEvent { dht =>
// Use the channel to send all the keys.
for (k <- keys) dht ! k
// Start the client reactor.
val shard = "shard04"
val keys = Set("key1", "key2", "key3")
system.spawn(Proto[DhtClient](shard, keys))
Reactive collections
Incremental data structures produce events when they are mutated. Clients can selectively track incremental changes.
// Create a reactive map with channels.
val channels = RHashMap[String, Channel[String]]
// When any channel is inserted, send it a greeting message.
channels.inserts onEvent { k =>
channels(k) ! "ping"
// When a master channel is inserted, register as worker."master") onEvent { ch =>
ch ! "worker"
// Add a worker channel.
map("worker") = workerChannel
// Add a master channel.
map("master") = masterChannel
Eliminates boxing for primitive values such as integers and doubles. GC pauses were never shorter!
// No boxing!
class Counter extends Reactor[Int] {
var count = 0 += 1)
// Start a counter reactor instance.
val ch = system.spawn(Proto[Counter])
// Forward cell values to the counter.
val cell = RCell(0)
cell onEvent {
x => ch ! x
cell := 1
cell := 2
cell := 3
cell := 4